Everything below is to document my hair transplant and edxperience with the Alvi Armani clinic in LA.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

October 2008

Here are my latest results.. I have chosen to keep my hair short cuz I think it looks better

Friday, August 1, 2008

Updated Fue photographs

This wil lprobably be my last update for a while, I just wanted to update everyone, my FUE procedure has reallt thickened up my hairline, things have come in very well. My temples are much stronger then before, my hairline now matches the rest of my head perfectly.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

SHAVED HEAD (head shot)

The hairline itself, particularly on the right side, has come in quite strong.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

6 months post op

Hey everyone. I know my update has been late. I didnt take real close hairline shots as I just shaved my head off to let it grow back again. The close hairline shots will be a few weeks/months away. I did take some shots of a short cut hairstyle though. I am enjoying life with my hair. The left side is still a little slower to grow than the right, but overall, the second procedure definitely added density to my hair. The short hairstyle is also very natural looking. People can never tell I had anything done unless I tell them. When I do tell them I had a HT, they start examining my hair like crazy and are super impressed. Clearly, don't expect a HT to give you the hair you had when you were 15, but do expect a major cosmetic improvement. I love my hair.